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occiput positioning

What is Functional biomechanics?

Drawing from Rolfing® and the Eastern internal arts we explore various ways to improve your structure to eliminate pain, improve performance and increase over all wellbeing.

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How does it work?

We would begin by  taking an assessment which would involve getting background information on how you may have injured yourself in the past, how you spend your day. In what postures your body is most of the time and how that may be affecting you.


We then check if there are myofascial restrictions, functional dependencies or biospsychosocial limitations that might be at play.


Some of the restrictions may be physically manipulated, some would be addressed by introducing soft rhythmic exercises and stretches.


Once freedom has been re-introduced to the body, we can reorient your relationship - primarily with gravity, but also with your day to day activities to give you a newfound sense of freedom of movement, ease of pain, renewed vitality and increased overall wellbeing!


We will collaborate to find the source of your discomfort, how to reverse the effects it has on your body and completely change your experience within.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

727 437 2012

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